ग़ज़ल श ख वत
Gazal Shekhawat

Researching gender, media and ​social change.

+ designer, communicator, ​photographer et. al

گزل شیخاوت

About Me

Hello I am a PhD researcher at LSE studying how media and communications shape the everyday lives of women in India s Hindi heartland Capturing their experiences at different stages of life and vocation I seek to understand how women navigate the push and shove of culture in the age of social media platforms Currently I work for the Digital Futures for Children centre as a Research Associate Before starting my PhD I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research Lab and published with my team in top STS conferences As a researcher I hope to understand our world and its people sustainably an ethic I learned from journalism a field in which I have trained worked and now teach I graduated with distinction from LSE s Department of Government for my MSc Admittedly as I am on my fifth degree I like learning and hold a diploma in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding from Lady Shri Ram College for Women DU and a bachelor s in Mass Communication from the SCMC I am also learning to sew embroider and not buy too many grocery items from all parts of the world In London I teach seminars for the LSE Summer School course International Journalism Society led by Professor Charlie Beckett and was a Graduate Teaching Assistant GTA for LSE Sociology s undergraduate course Power Inequality and Difference led by Professor Fran Tonkiss My PhD research is supported by a studentship from the AHRC through the London Arts and Humanities Partnership I can be contacted on my university email and welcome any queries about navigating higher education especially from candidates who come from underrepresented backgrounds

Research &​ Writing

Shekhawat, G. (Upcoming). Entertaining against odds: Borders, platformisation and practices of going on in the crossfire of nationalisms. Media, Communications and Cultural

Studies Association Annual Conference 2024. Sheffield

Livingstone, S., Cantwell, N., Özkul, D., Shekhawat, G., & Kidron, B. (Upcoming). Critical reflections on how digital providers respect “the best interests of the child.” Panel presented

at AoIR 2024: The 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Sheffield, UK: AoIR. http://spir.aoir.org

Banaji, S., & Shekhawat, G. (2024). On killing children. Media@ LSE. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/medialse/2024/05/30/on-killing-children/

Livingstone, S., Cantwell, N., Özkul, D., Shekhawat, G., & Kidron, B. (2024). The best interests of the child in the digital environment. Digital Futures for

Children centre. https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/122492/3/Best_Interests_of_the_Child_FINAL.pdf

Shekhawat, G., & Livingstone, S. (2023). AI and children’s rights: a guide to the transnational guidance. Media@LSE Blog. .

Arya, A., De, S., Mishra, D., Shekhawat, G., Sharma, A., Panda, A., Lalani, F., Singh, P., Mothilal, R. K., & Grover, R. (2022). DISMISS: Database of Indian Social Media Influencers on Twitter. ​Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media,

Mishra, D., Akbar, S., Shekhawat, G., & Pal, J. (2022). Virality and the Virus: COVID-19 Cures on Twitter in India. 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2022,

Dash, S., Grover, R., Shekhawat, G., Kaur, S., Mishra, D., & Pal, J. (2022). Insights into incitement: A computational perspective on dangerous speech on Twitter in India. Proceedings of the 5th ​ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies,

Dash, S., Mishra, D., Shekhawat, G., & Pal, J. (2022). Divided we rule: Influencer polarization on Twitter during political crises in India. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web ​and Social Media,

Dash, S., Shekhawat, G., Akbar, S. Z., & Pal, J. (2021). Extremism & whataboutism: A case study on bangalore riots. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10526.

Grover, R., Shekhawat, G., & Pal, J. (2021). Twitter superstars don’t win elections: A Poster on Twitter Campaigning and Electoral Realities in the 2021 West Bengal Assembly Elections. ​Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies,

Research Associate

Watercolor Sparrow Bird

Places of work

Video Producer

Seminar Teacher

Cloud Illustration

Research Fellow


Teaching Assistant

Cloud Illustration

Editorial Intern

Research Consultant

Production Intern


LSE IR245: International Journalism & Society

LSE MC422: Critical Studies in Media and Journalism

LSE SO110: Power Inequality and Difference

LSE MC528: Workshop on Sensitive Interviewing

et. al

coming soon...

the maker of this website is rummaging through her memory ​cards to recreate a shrine to her other-passions, photographs,​ videos, dusty film scripts. ​

Stay in touch

Email: g.shekhawat@lse.ac.uk

LinkedIn here.

Google Scholar here.

LSE profile here.

blank ornamental gold picture frame cut out

Salman Toor ‘Bar Boy’. 2019. Oil on canvas.