About Me
Research & Writing
Shekhawat, G. (Upcoming). Entertaining against odds: Borders, platformisation and practices of going on in the crossfire of nationalisms. Media, Communications and Cultural
Studies Association Annual Conference 2024. Sheffield
Livingstone, S., Cantwell, N., Özkul, D., Shekhawat, G., & Kidron, B. (Upcoming). Critical reflections on how digital providers respect “the best interests of the child.” Panel presented
at AoIR 2024: The 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Sheffield, UK: AoIR. http://spir.aoir.org
Banaji, S., & Shekhawat, G. (2024). On killing children. Media@ LSE. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/medialse/2024/05/30/on-killing-children/
Livingstone, S., Cantwell, N., Özkul, D., Shekhawat, G., & Kidron, B. (2024). The best interests of the child in the digital environment. Digital Futures for
Children centre. https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/122492/3/Best_Interests_of_the_Child_FINAL.pdf
Shekhawat, G., & Livingstone, S. (2023). AI and children’s rights: a guide to the transnational guidance. Media@LSE Blog. .
Arya, A., De, S., Mishra, D., Shekhawat, G., Sharma, A., Panda, A., Lalani, F., Singh, P., Mothilal, R. K., & Grover, R. (2022). DISMISS: Database of Indian Social Media Influencers on Twitter. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media,
Mishra, D., Akbar, S., Shekhawat, G., & Pal, J. (2022). Virality and the Virus: COVID-19 Cures on Twitter in India. 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2022,
Dash, S., Grover, R., Shekhawat, G., Kaur, S., Mishra, D., & Pal, J. (2022). Insights into incitement: A computational perspective on dangerous speech on Twitter in India. Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies,
Dash, S., Mishra, D., Shekhawat, G., & Pal, J. (2022). Divided we rule: Influencer polarization on Twitter during political crises in India. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media,
Dash, S., Shekhawat, G., Akbar, S. Z., & Pal, J. (2021). Extremism & whataboutism: A case study on bangalore riots. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10526.
Grover, R., Shekhawat, G., & Pal, J. (2021). Twitter superstars don’t win elections: A Poster on Twitter Campaigning and Electoral Realities in the 2021 West Bengal Assembly Elections. Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies,
LSE IR245: International Journalism & Society
LSE MC422: Critical Studies in Media and Journalism
LSE SO110: Power Inequality and Difference
LSE MC528: Workshop on Sensitive Interviewing
et. al
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the maker of this website is rummaging through her memory cards to recreate a shrine to her other-passions, photographs, videos, dusty film scripts.